
AWS Volume ID from Instance Name Tag

NOTE – For this script to work your instances must have a unique name tag. I use this tag for machine host-names. This script is to identify all attached volume ID’s from a single instance Name Tag within AWS Powershell. The sections below describe the action of script sections Import AWS Powershell module (needs to […]

AWS Powershell Module

To use AWS powershell you will need to download and install the module form AWS. The link and install instructions are below. https://aws.amazon.com/powershell/ Once the module is installed you should be able to run Powershell as administrator and configure your powershell as below: Set AWS Credential Profile Set-AWSCredentials -AccessKey {AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE} -SecretKey {wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY} -StoreAs {ProfileName} Initialize-AWSDefaults […]

AWSCLi – Create Snapshot and Delete oldest snapshot for 1 Volume

This script was created by my brother Scott Prudence and I, this snapshot’s 1 specific volume then once the snapshot is completed the script then removes the oldest snapshot. This is a way of implementing a weekly snapshot of a single volume within AWS.   NOTE – Change the VOLUMEID variable from vol-xxxxxx to your volume ID […]

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